FARMVILLE, VA. _ Robert Russa Moton Museum Director Lacy Ward Jr. praised the role Vera Allen played in the creation of the museum.
Allen, who was president of the Martha E. Forrester Council of Women when the group began efforts to create the museum, died Sunday, April 4, 2010. Her funeral will be noon Friday, April 9, 2010 at First Baptist Church in downtown Farmville
“When the opportunity presented itself for the Martha E. Forrester Council of Women to pick up the band of leadership to create the museum, Mrs. Allen did not hesitate taking action for which we are most appreciative to her,” Ward said. “The entire Museum Board of Directors and staff extends its condolences to the Allen family.”
In 1995, Allen was head of the council when the group organized efforts to preserve the old high school building and turn it into a museum.