October 13, 2008 The buses stopped, the doors were locked and the lights were turned out in the Fall of 1959 in opposition to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board
Category: News
Wal-Mart Donates to Moton Museum’s Technological Needs
September 8, 2008 Robert Russa Moton Museum Director Lacy Ward (far left) and Board Chair Robert Hamlin (right) recently received a $1,500 donation from Farmville Wal-Mart Manager Harold Walker (center)
Bank of America Donates
September 5, 2008 Bank of America Charitable Foundation recently donated $5,000 to the Robert Russa Moton Museum for educational outreach programming. “The museum plays an important role in the Farmville community
Moton Museum Receives a Grant from The Wachovia Foundation for Educational Outreach
August 25, 2008 Key in development of the Robert Russa Moton Museum is a strong educational outreach program. With a recent grant from The Wachovia Foundation for $10,000, educational outreach
Moton Museum Receives $20,000 Grant from the Department of Housing and Community Development
July 26, 2008 In its commitment to work with organizations to increase their capacity for serving communities, The Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) recently awarded a $20,000